“There’s a method to their madness. There’s really not much method to yours, because you’re operating from a place of ignorance. Until you change that, you’re going to be bumbling around bumping into each other, saying and doing the wrong things, not understanding the nature of your enemy. If you don’t understand the nature of your enemy and the weapons they use, you cannot fight that enemy. You can’t fight the battle. You shouldn’t even be on the battlefield! It’s why you are losing the war, and don’t tell me you’re not, because I am in a place of great knowledge about who’s winning and who’s losing this war, and I can assure you, you’re losing the war. It doesn’t mean it can’t be turned around, but it will never be turned around until you learn what you need to know. You don’t even recognize half the weapons they use against you. Some of them seem so insignificant that you don’t even try.” ~ William Cooper, Lansing MI lecture, 1996

Low Level Lies

“Honesty is the beginning of wisdom. Without honesty, no great spirituality can be accomplished.” ~ Manly P. Hall

“The universe is a war between reality programmers.” ~ Robert Anton Wilson

Let’s consider the human brain to be the ultimate computer, and life or the human experience in general to be the program that runs the computer. If it weren’t for the life/program that we live in, the brain would be nothing but a mass of molecules that eventually ceases to physically exist in the same state if left turned off for very long. Even state-of-the-art computer hardware like new Mac’s or PC’s are nothing without the software that runs through them. It’s the software, the program, the app, that gives it life.

Computer programming is both an art and a science. The most very basic physiological breakdown of the human brain is into left and right hemispheres. But there are many more sections of the brain that have been identified and labeled by science, and that is far, far beyond the scope and purpose of my understanding and of this post, so let’s just call them compartments. Without these physical compartments, thoughts, memories (experiences), emotions, signs and signals, etc wouldn’t easily be accessible for use by us as individuals.

We speak to each other in languages which can be loosely defined as spoken and written signs and symbols. Unless you’re a genius at birth, you are only able to read these signs and symbols called English because you have been taught how to read them. Computers have languages as well; programming languages. It is through them that computers are taught to perform certain tasks and functions.

The object of this post (and the ones to follow it) is not to explain linguistics, neurology, computer science, or semiotics because I am not an expert in any of those subjects. I am not a brain surgeon or a computer programmer and I don’t need to be. My intention is to show how we have been deliberately and covertly programmed through something called trauma-based mind control to perform tasks and functions that are not in our best interests. Not only are they not in our best interests, they are causing us mortal harm and may eventually lead to the enslavement and deaths of billions of people in the USA and the world.

There are several different categories of computer languages. One way to distinguish them is by the level or layer of abstraction used to generate the code that makes up a computer program. In other words, languages that are closest to the way we speak in sentences (hopefully) are high-level languages. And those that offer little or no layer of abstraction are low-level languages. Python is high-level, C++ is intermediate-level. Assembly is low-level and is the stuff that I’m referring to in the title of this post.

Assembly is CPU specific, meaning that it has to be written specifically for the type of CPU in your computer. In other words, it is specifically targeted at a certain piece of hardware. I hope you are beginning to see where this is going. What happens when the CPU receives the instructions from the program is that it generates machine code or machine language which is distributed to the different parts of the computer to perform the actions required of it.

A function in 32-bit x86 [the CPU] machine code to calculate the nth Fibonacci number:

8B542408 83FA0077 06B80000 0000C383 
FA027706 B8010000 00C353BB 01000000 
B9010000 008D0419 83FA0376 078BD98B 

If the code is written cleanly, debugged, and all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, it will execute without errors and the program will usually run without a hitch. But what happens when the CPU is fed or subjected to bad code or erroneous instructions? On a store-bought computer, this usually results in some type of glitch or anomaly that could result in a program crashing, or it could cause a complete system crash that requires a reboot. And here, the store-bought computer analogy ends, because I’m sure it’s served it’s purpose.

When it comes to the human experience, there is another name for false instructions. They are called lies. Lies are what we tell each other (and ourselves) when we want to deliberately deceive and cause temporary or permanent damage. These effects can be felt for different lengths of time and the time it takes to recover depends on the depth and breadth of the lie. I told you I was going to wear black but instead, I’m wearing white. So shoot me, I lied. I’m sure you’ll get over it.

But what if these lies are more severe, much more severe, and are spread out over days, years, decades, and even centuries? Speaking from my personal experience, I can tell you that a history of lies perpetuated throughout a lifetime can have a crippling effect on the mind, body, and soul. Thankfully though, this post (and series of posts) is not about me. It’s about the effects that Great Lies perpetuated by a small group of evil malefactors called the Illuminati, from over long periods of time, have had on the population of the United States of America and the world.

So, to get back to those compartments in the brain mentioned above, what exactly happens to when the human brain is continually fed deep, disturbing, and harmful lies? Compartmentalization. When something occurs that is so surreal, so unbelievably incomprehensible that the total of all the individual’s human experiences have no reference point or decoding process for, it gets compartmentalized using all the senses available at that time into a part of the brain that is unconsciously reserved for it so that it can be re-experienced and/or re-examined at a later date. This is a human coping mechanism used to reconcile a deathly experience in the present at the utter most basic level of survival.

There is one notable feature of a trauma-induced “memory” that comes in quite handy for those who wish to deliberately inflict pain and use it to their advantage. When placed in a state of shock, a person is highly susceptible to suggestion. There is a movie called Compliance that demonstrates exactly what I’m talking about. I’m guessing that the director has a full understanding of the CIA’s MKUltra trauma-based mind control program.

This is why most of us will never forget our complete surroundings and circumstances when we first heard about 9/11 for example. I will never forget that moment and those images on TV (their main programming tool). Not only did the three (sic) World Trade Center buildings come crashing down, most of our lives as spiritual beings crashed as well. Because being lied to (don’t believe the “official” story; 9/11 was an inside job) is like having a part of you, the good part, ripped out without any anesthetics much like animals being hacked alive on factory “farms.”

The powers that wannabe who control the mainstream media know all about this stuff. They eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is their bread and butter. They have been using not only trauma-based mind control, but lesser overtly severe events to sequester us like cows with rings through our noses to wherever it is they want. And that is no way to live. Not for me in this lifetime or any lifetime in the hereafter.







Trance Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips

Why Am I Here?

“Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.” ~ Henri Bergson

“There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic. ” ~ Anaïs Nin

On November 22nd, 1963 when I was four years old, a traumatic event took place that will forever remain compartmentalized in a part of my brain, as it is in most Americans from that era. John F. Kennedy was murdered. Two days later, as they escorted Oswald out of the back of the court house and into the parking garage to be summarily executed by Jack Ruby on live television, I was sitting there, watching. The look on Oswald’s face. I knew he was innocent of killing JFK.

In 1968, Richard M. Nixon was running for president. I remember telling my fellow fourth grade classmates in the schoolyard during recess that Nixon was “no good.” To this day, I have no earthly idea where that has come from since Nixon, from my perspective back then, appeared out of nowhere. My main interest was the new White Album by The Beatles. Maybe I was listening to Revolution #9 too much.

Sometime during the mid 1970’s, my father and I were driving cross-country to visit relatives. In the middle of nowhere (the midwest) and totally out of context in the dead silence, I blurted, “Someday, there is going to be a roadblock going from state to state.” The word, “checkpoint,” was not in my vocabulary back then. It is now. My father didn’t say anything.

Just after the PTSD of 9/11 set in, I created a web site called bloodwash.com in an attempt to psychologically cope with what I knew to be an inside job. It consisted of pairing news items that questioned the official story, and those with egregious lies, with my comments. In other words, a blog. The word “blog” wasn’t in my vocabulary back then, either (I just said “cool” a lot). The term, “weblog,” was first coined in 1997 and shortened to “blog” around 1999, so for me, it was pure serendipity. I created a photo collage combining bloody images of Middle Eastern war “scenes” (atrocities), oil rigs, and George W. Bush, and used it in the header. After several months, I realized that no one, outside of myself and the domain host, knew it existed. So I began promoting it in several political Usenet newsgroups and was immediately accused of being an Islamist. At the time, I didn’t know what “Islamist” meant, and so had no way of intelligently refuting that claim, I got angry at the accusers and went back to being oblivious. A mistake I will not repeat.

Back in 1963, “alternative news” didn’t exist. You had TV and newsprint. Although The Village Voice has existed since 1955, I wasn’t exposed to it until the 80’s. And it wasn’t until later in the 60’s that newspapers like The East Village Other and View From the Bottom came into being.

Let’s say that Henri Bergson was right; some people are born with “spiritual immune systems.” I am not interested in self aggrandizement, but I believe that I am one of those born with such a system. The ancient Greeks said, “know thyself.”

The maxim, or aphorism, “know thyself” has had a variety of meanings attributed to it in literature. The Suda, a 10th-century encyclopedia of Greek knowledge, says: “the proverb is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are,” and that “know thyself” is a warning to pay no attention to the opinion of the multitude. ~ Wikipedia

I have had a spiritual awakening. But it didn’t happen all at once. Just like the quote from Anaïs Nin above, it was acquired “fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic. But from this point on, and for the first time in my life, I have a purpose in life. The veil has been removed from my eyes. I no longer feel that life is something to be endured. Rather, it is something to be cherished and protected. I know why I’m here, and there is nothing that anyone can say or do to turn me away from the course of action I came here for.

In 2011, my eyes really started to open as all kinds of tiny synchronistic occurrences became part of my daily routine. Little things were happening quite magically, and that is all it took for me to realize that I was on the right path. Social media sites exposed me to a world of like-minded people. And from them came link after link, article after article, and book after book of material. I did a lot of research and came up with what I consider to be The Truth. This is the bottom line.

I know the problems we face today are brought about by a relatively small group who would like to cull 95% of the masses and have all of what the earth has to offer for themselves. By “cull,” I mean that they want to kill us off. There is no point in pulling punches or sugar coating it at this late stage of the game. But they are delusional. The very fact that they are so infatuated with themselves and their utopian “Great Plan” shows that they shouldn’t be allowed to run a lemonade stand, much less a planet. They are also treacherously and insidiously evil. They have no qualms about killing one, a hundred, a thousand, or millions (and have done so). They feed off others misery. They have absolutely no remorse for the havoc they wreak because they are sociopaths. So who are “they,” exactly?

The enemy is the New World Order (NWO) and their high-ranking members are the Illuminati. They are intent on a one-world government where they control of every aspect of our lives while we slave away for their benefits. They have methodically and incrementally infiltrated the highest levels of Governments, agencies (that control our food, water, air and land), Main Stream Media (MSM), pharmaceutical companies, healthcare, the military and police, and the Vatican. This has been going on for centuries. So, if you think Obama is the problem, you’d better wake up. Yes, he is definitely part of the problem. He is playing his part just like Ford, Reagan, Carter, the Clintons, and the Bushwacker’s played theirs (some, George H.W. Bush for example, more than others). But they all act as if they are in charge when they really are not. Ronald Reagan was a professional actor. What better example of a public relations coup d’état can you get? But the hired hands like Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Eric Holder for examples are all just minions.

So who is really in control? I’ll tell you generally now, and more specifically in later posts. They meet in secret, use powerful computers to crunch numbers, and sit back as their diabolical plots are unleashed upon an unwitting public. They are the filthiest of the filthy rich; The Rockefellers and Rothschilds (you know, multi-generational multi-trillionaires), powerful bank(st)ers, business owners, kings, queens, princes and princesses, dukes and duchess’s, diplomats, politicians, heads of state, scientists, logisticians, and theorists of the world; the so called elite. They have infiltrated key, high-power positions, not just in the US, but globally. They are members of governments, corporations, the UN, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Freemasons, The Jesuit Brotherhood, the Vatican, and The Royal Family. They are amorphous and many of them belong to several of these groups simultaneously. They are virtually unknown to most people because they do not want you to know they exist. And, they control the MSM to “keep you in the dark.” Just look at any list of the richest people in the world. You won’t find them listed there.

I now know that almost everything I was told by my parents, teachers, the church and state, health professionals, and the MSM, from the day I was born right up to the present, has been a lie. I don’t hold my parents in contempt anymore because they were doing the best they could. But the others, I have much contempt for because they completely and utterly failed to give me what they were supposed to give me. What they said they were giving me. The Truth. Is any of it my fault? Yes, a lot of it is. Do I hold myself totally responsible? No, not anymore. The guilt and shame that comes with being subjected to a lifetime of trauma-based mind control (of the “soft” variety) has been lifted away and I stand in The Light (of God; not Luciferianism), ready to do the work I was sent here to do. However insignificant it may be.